How To Store Coffee Beans For Maximum Freshness

If you use whole coffee beans to brew coffee, then you should be familiar with the importance of storing them properly. In this blog post, I'll show you how to store coffee beans for the greatest freshness. You will also find some tips on how to keep them tasting great for weeks or even months.
roasted coffee beans - Coffee Paradiso

The coffee beans have a tendency to go stale and lose their flavor rather quickly. You cannot store them as if you would store regular beans for food. Coffee beans are not even beans technically.

The precious coffee beans have four enemies that will steal their flavor away if you let them:

  • Air
  • Heat
  • Light
  • Moisture

You’ll need to keep all four of these at bay if you want your coffee to taste its best.

Avoid air

The air consists of oxygen. This is good for you but bad for your beans. Almost all forms of chemical reactions in nature feed on oxygen. That’s why you need to cut off its oxygen supply or it will degrade your coffee faster than even heat or light.

Furthermore, coffee beans are porous, so they will absorb any aromas that are present in the surrounding air. You should avoid storing them near anything with a strong smell, such as spices or garlic. It’s a bad idea to keep them in the fridge that you open several times a day and where they can pick up a slew of different aromas on each shelf.

You should always store coffee beans in an airtight container. This will help to keep the beans from absorbing any unwanted flavors from the surrounding environment. It will also keep them from losing their flavor rapidly over time.

You can find airtight containers made of glass, ceramic, or metal. If you choose to use a plastic container, make sure it is BPA-free. You can also use ziplock bags. When choosing a canister or a jar, make sure that it has a tight-fitting lid that will create a seal. If you are using a bag, be sure to squeeze all the air out before sealing it.

Some roasters pack beans in one-way valve bags. If that’s the case, the best way of preserving them is to leave them in the bag they came with. The thing is, over time coffee beans release carbon dioxide. The one-way valve allows the CO2 to go out, preventing the bag from inflating. It also stops oxygen from sneaking in and ruining your beans.

one way valve bag - Coffee Paradiso

All this can cause your coffee to go stale quickly. That’s why it’s important to store your beans in an airtight container. We recommend using a glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. You can also use a vacuum-sealed bag. If you do use a bag, be sure to squeeze all the air out before sealing it.

Avoid heat

Heat is another enemy of fresh coffee beans. Warm temperatures accelerate the staling process causing the beans to lose their freshness and taste flatter.

To avoid the heat, you should store your coffee beans in a cool, dark place. Far from the stove, oven, or any other heat source.

Avoid sunlight

Exposure to light is not good for coffee beans. It speeds up the aging process. This results in faster degradation of all the good stuff inside the bean, like fats, pigments, and vitamins. It results in losing the flavor which we all love so much.

To keep your beans tasting great, make sure to store them in a dark place that is free from direct sunlight. A cupboard or pantry would be ideal, but any dark and cool place will do the trick.

Avoid moisture

Moisture is the fourth enemy of coffee beans. It can cause them to rot, become moldy, and develop bacteria. The last thing you want is coffee tasting like fungus! So store your beans in a dry place. (You see why keeping beans in the refrigerator is a bad idea.)

How long can you store coffee beans?

The best time to use coffee beans for brewing coffee is in the first or second week after roasting. That’s when you get the most of the flavors and beneficial nutrients (coffee contains more than a thousand ingredients). The peak period varies and depends on the coffee species, type of coffee bean, roast level, etc. But coffee beans deteriorate over time whether you like or not. Still, you can influence and slow down the degradation process by smartly storing coffee beans.

How to store coffee beans short term

To extend the shelf life of your beans, as we said, it’s important to store them in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. The exposure to sunlight, heat, and moisture should be limited.

If you need to buy coffee in bulk, split it by filling one larger and one smaller container. When you’re ready to use beans, simply take out the desired amount of beans from a smaller container and grind them as usual. Store the larger container away and open it only when your smaller container runs out of coffee. This way, the bulk of your beans won’t be exposed to air every time you want to brew a cup.

How to store coffee beans long term

Ideally, you should only buy as many coffee beans as you can drink within two weeks. But we understand that sometimes life gets in the way and you need to store your beans for a longer period of time. If that’s the case, then freezing them is the only way to somewhat preserve the flavor.

Freezing coffee beans will not ruin them but it’s still not the best way to store them. It may alter their structure. Also, when you defrost the beans, they will release moisture. And as we know, moisture is one of the enemies of coffee beans.

So, how do you store coffee beans in the freezer?

Put them in ziplock bags and label the bag with the date so you know how fresh the beans are. Put one or two weeks’ worth of coffee in each bag. Don’t store coffee beans near strong-smelling foods or spices. Then place it in the freezer.

When you want to use them, take out one bag and let it thaw completely. You can store coffee beans for up to two years if you freeze them. However, it’s best to use them within six months for the best flavor.

Tips for storing coffee beans

Buy coffee in smaller portions. This will help to keep the beans fresh and prevent them from going bad.

The ideal time to brew coffee is one or two weeks after roasting. After that, the coffee beans start to lose their flavor, faster or slower depending on how they are stored.

Don’t store coffee beans near strong odors. Coffee beans tend to pick up neighbor odors from their surroundings. So, it’s best to store them away from strong-smelling foods or spices.

Grind the beans just before brewing. If you grind them ahead of time, the coffee will become stale.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you store coffee beans in the refrigerator?

Not really. Beans are porous and will pick up moisture and odors from various foods in your fridge. Also, exposing it to light and air is bad for coffee.

Can you freeze coffee beans to keep them fresh?

You should always try to avoid freezing your beans. If you must, make sure they are in an airtight container (e.g. ziplock bag). Pack it in smaller portions (one or two weeks’ worth of coffee) and label it with the date. Use within six months.

How long do whole coffee beans stay fresh?

The ideal time to brew coffee is one or two weeks after roasting. After that time they will slowly but surely start to lose flavor, even if you store them properly.

How long do coffee beans last in the bag once opened?

If your beans came in a paper bag or a foil bag without a ziplock, transfer them into an airtight container or a ziplock bag. Coffee beans can last up to a couple of weeks when stored in an airtight container in a cool, dark place. The sooner you spend it, the better the taste will be. Don’t ever hold them in a bag or a container without sealant of some sort because the beans will go stale within days.

Can I keep coffee beans last in the bean hopper?

Your grinder’s hopper is not the best place for storing beans. It cannot be sealed and they’re exposed to light, heat and moisture. This goes for hoppers on bean-to-cup machines too. The golden rule is to only use as many beans as you’ll grind in one go.

Are mason jars good for storing coffee?

coffee beans jar - Coffee Paradiso

Mason jars are a great way to store coffee. They are airtight and keep the beans from absorbing any unwanted flavors from the surrounding environment. Since the jars are made of glass, they also allow you to see how much coffee is left. The bad thing is that the beans are exposed to light if you keep them on your counter. So storing it in a dark pantry or cupboard would be a better option. If you need to show off your fancy jars to guests, do it like this. Fill the jar up with some old beans. The ones that you were going to discard anyway and put it on display. This way, your good beans are still hidden away in the dark.

Next steps

Now that you know how to store coffee beans for maximum freshness, it’s time to put what you’ve learned into practice. By following these simple tips, you can keep your coffee beans as fresh and flavorful as possible for weeks (or even months!) to come.

Do you have any other tips for how to store coffee beans? Share them with us in the comments below!

Happy brewing!

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